Friday, September 7, 2007

Rainy Friday

So here we go. My first attempt at breaking away from my comfy livejournal account. I found that I wasn't using it anymore and to be completely honest, everyone I talk to on there was using it as a place to air their frustrations over how their life sucks. I don't mind a little of this now and then but when everyone you know on a web site is depressing boy does it make you want to shoot yourself in the face. Twice, with a cannon.

So here we are with a brand new blog that none of them are aware that I am on... so I've finally done it. I've escaped like Paul Newman did in 1967 (Cool Hand Luke).

It feels so fresh and new to have this blog so you'll have to excuse the ranting here as I test out the waters of my new fishbowl.

But it does feel so good to be out of the old and into the new.


Benticore said...

Blogspot is pretty good, though I prefer some of the nifty things you can do with Wordpress, especially if you have your own domain space (like Raquita does).

I haven't updated my blogspot blog in a long time cause I mostly use it now as a pic-dump for my cameraphone but I just got a new phone so that will change.

The bitchiness you find is pretty indemic to the unfocused blogosphere; people who write blogs without a point or an update schedule. I try only to post when I have something funny or ridiculous to say and not when I feel like crap but that can be difficult. Usually I do my most eloquent verbiage in comments sections on other peoples blogs. All the space I need with no commitments! Sweet!

Oh! and no baby yet...

(you should be getting our RSVP thingy in the mail here in the next couple days)

JackRabbit said...

Fantastic. I've only been online for a few hours and already a comment. The snoball has begun rolling. lol. Good to see ya Jer. Will have to grab lunch again sometime soon.

LordRahl007 said...

Great, you got me to sign up for another web thing, just so I can comment on your blog :/ Ah well, at least I feel special I was hand-picked, all warm and tingly in my pa....I on parting from LJ. Yeah, that's it :P

Anyway, glad to see you're up to stuff again, you and Jarrod always make me laugh when you post.